Make a Resolution That Sticks This New Year's
New Year’s resolutions are a common tradition. Many individuals choose to celebrate the holiday by vowing to live a healthier life. That might look like being more compassionate with others, eating healthier, exercising more, or getting sober. The problem with the new year, new me resolutions is that they often start off strong, only to fail in the end. Think about canceled gym memberships, romaine lettuce going bad in the fridge, or relapses. When it comes to taking charge of your sobriety, it’s important to make changes that last. If you are using New Year’s Eve to motivate you, you may not be ready to commit to sobriety.
Sobriety and recovery take work and it is not always perfect. If you are serious about this attempt at sobriety, why wait until January 1, 2022 to decide that you need sobriety? You can choose sober living any day of the year by reaching out to an alcohol rehab near you. Alcohol addiction treatment can make a difference.
Getting and Staying Sober Through Alcohol Addiction Treatment
There are many things you can do to help assure that your attempt at sobriety succeeds this New Year’s and beyond. One of the most important things you can do to strengthen your sobriety is to decide to go to treatment. Alcohol addiction treatment is tailored to the needs of those struggling with alcoholism. There are a number of different approaches to alcohol addiction treatment. You might choose a residential or outpatient program depending on the level of care you need.
Another important decision one makes in early recovery may be deciding on entering community housing. Community housing is a sober environment where you can relearn how to live without drugs and alcohol with the help of sober housing aids. It can also be helpful to get out of an environment you were using or drinking in. It’s important to ask for support from friends and family, who play integral parts in the healing process. Families are encouraged to take part in the treatment process, since they too may need to heal from your addiction.
Outside of treatment, it is pertinent to create a support group at your local 12 step meetings (AA/NA/CA). These support groups can help you:
- Maintain long-term sobriety
- Build a community of sober support
- Create new hobbies such as exercise or art
New hobbies, habits, and routines can help you take your mind off using and teach your brain positive coping skills.
When you regularly use drugs or alcohol, it rewires your brain. This is why teaching yourself new things to enjoy could positively impact your attempt at long-term sobriety this New Year’s. Over the course of 2022, you can discover how to stay away from drugs or alcohol and build a happier, healthier life. Something else that will help you as you move from early sobriety onward is giving back to your community by volunteering and making it a goal every day to be the best version of yourself.
How Fresh Start Recovery Can Help You Heal in 2022
At Fresh Start Recovery Center, we believe the individual makes the difference. Our staff understands how you feel, and many of them have been where you are now, desperately looking for a change. We want to help you start fresh and share recovery with you. Our treatment team works with you to decide on the best treatment plan for you. No two people are the same, so why should their treatment be? We utilize holistic, multi-disciplinary care, vocational training, legal support, and aftercare planning to help pave the way for your future. Our outpatient treatment programs can be the fresh start you need in 2022.
Learn more about our alcohol addiction treatment programs by connecting with Fresh Start Recovery Center at 833.625.0398 today.