Xanax addiction and overdoses have become increasingly common across the country. That’s why Fresh Start Recovery Center has developed a Xanax addiction treatment program. Our detox and rehab program is designed to meet the individual needs of our clients. If you or someone you care about is struggling with an addiction to Xanax, we encourage you to reach out to Fresh Start today online or at 833.625.0398 to speak with a specialist about our Xanax addiction treatment options.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Xanax Withdrawal
Conventional signs and symptoms of withdrawal associated with Xanax are also common for other benzos.
Common withdrawal symptoms from someone who is taking Xanax at a relatively low dose or is slowly tapering off Xanax may include:
- Anxiety
- Intense cravings
- Tremors
- Sweating
- GI issues
- Headaches
- Blurred vision
- Increased heart rate
- Muscle pain
- Temporary psychosis
The riskiest physical side effects associated with Xanax withdrawal are usually changes in heart rate and the risk of seizures. Xanax withdrawal should always be taken very seriously, and contact with medical and psychiatric professionals is highly recommended.
Xanax Withdrawal Timeline
Unlike longer-lasting benzos, those who use or abuse Xanax are likely to feel withdrawal symptoms after six hours since their last dose. Symptoms tend to worsen, and the negative intensity peaks around forty-eight hours.
After several days, a person will typically have fewer withdrawal symptoms. Someone who has used or abused Xanax for extended periods may have permanent changes to their brain. Long-term use of Xanax is associated with memory loss and decline in cognitive ability. It takes time for a person’s brain and mind to heal from long-term Xanax abuse. If Xanax was being used to treat anxiety, a person will likely feel heavily increased symptoms of anxiety after ceasing use. It is advisable to seek treatment with a professional mental health counselor and remain under medical supervision to ensure you stay as safe and comfortable as possible while undergoing withdrawal and recovery.
Some individuals experience post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). PAWS can result in physical and mental health issues linked to withdrawal that may be experienced for months or even years after ceasing Xanax use.
Common PAWs symptoms include:
- Cravings
- Changes in mood and personality
- Increased anxiety
- Increased depression
There is only one recommended method for ceasing the use of Xanax, which is a slow taper. When using the slow taper method, dosages are slowly reduced over the course of many days based on medical recommendations that relate to your personal medical history, history with Xanax abuse and addiction, as well as other drug use, and with consideration of mental health issues. All of these factors are important for lowering the risk associated with changes in Xanax dosage and being able to free yourself from addiction. Rapid reduction in Xanax dosage can result in extremely negative consequences and can be life-threatening.
Risk of Xanax Overdose
Research has shown that more people overdose on Xanax than any other benzo. For this reason and more, it is highly recommended that those who have developed a Xanax dependency or addiction seek detox in a medically-supervised setting. Also, it’s crucial that their loved ones are able to recognize Xanax overdose symptoms so that they can get help. Medical detox provides the peace of mind of knowing that medical doctors and mental health practitioners are available 24/7 if emergency intervention is needed.
Overcome Xanax Addiction at Fresh Start Recovery Center
Stopping the use of Xanax can be challenging and risky. It’s essential to take appropriate medical precautions to ensure a safe taper method is involved as a harm reduction strategy. Our professionals at Fresh Start Recovery Center ask you to take Xanax withdrawal seriously. We encourage you to reach out to us with any questions about safe Xanax withdrawal or Xanax addiction symptoms. Contact Fresh Start Recovery Center today by calling 833.625.0398 or filling out our online contact form.