Substance use disorders disrupt the life of individuals who are struggling with addiction as well as anyone who interacts with them and cares about them. If occasional drinking has transitioned into alcohol addiction, then it’s time to consider professional assistance. Fresh Start Recovery Center offers a range of programs for those battling alcohol abuse. Medical professionals at Fresh Start Recovery Center are ready to assist you with making a personalized treatment plan for recovery in our alcohol addiction treatment program. Reach out to us today at 833.625.0398.
Signs You Have Developed an Alcohol Addiction
A person abusing alcohol already has a drinking problem. Keeping that in mind, an alcohol addiction indicates that an individual is unable to reduce or cease use due to psychological and/or physical dependence.
One way to think about alcohol abuse compared to alcohol addiction is whether or not there is a choice being made. A person who chooses to have a drink or two, and is willing and able to only have a couple of drinks, is in control. A person who cannot control the amount they drink has an addiction.
It can be difficult for an individual to assess when their drinking has shifted from normal to problematic levels. Family, friends, coworkers, and others who are able to provide an unbiased external view know the signs that it is time for an intervention.
Common signs of alcohol addiction may include:
- Difficulty reducing or stopping drinking
- Not being visibly intoxicated after using large quantities of alcohol
- Struggling to complete ordinary daily tasks without drinking
- Skipping regularly scheduled activities
- Engaging in risky behaviors
- Problems maintaining positive relationships
Once a person develops an alcohol use disorder, they are dependent on alcohol. Attempts to quit drinking without the proper treatment and medical oversight can have dangerous consequences. If you or a person you love is battling alcohol addiction, contact Fresh Start Recovery Center today at 833.625.0398 and a trained medical professional will assist you with discussing an ideal alcohol addiction treatment plan so life can get back on track.
Has Addiction Become Your Hobby?
A typical sign of alcohol addiction is when finding your drug of choice becomes a primary focus. As addiction progresses, an addict’s interests and social engagement tends to become less of a priority.
Addiction has a negative impact on both the mind and the body. Changes in how you think and feel can be signs of an alcohol addiction.
Signs you may be struggling with an alcohol addiction can include:
- Alcohol consumption is constantly on your mind
- You drink regardless of the consequences
- You are frequently drinking, drunk, or hungover
- You have attempted to cut back unsuccessfully
- You have withdrawal symptoms
- Restlessness
- Sweating
- Sleep problems
- Nausea
- Racing heart
- Involuntary shaking
Early Intervention Makes a Difference
As alcohol abuse progresses to alcohol dependency it becomes more difficult to have an intervention. It’s possible to battle alcohol addiction at any stage with the safety of medical supervision at a high-quality rehab center.
If you or a loved one is showing any of the following common signs of alcohol addiction, consider reaching out for professional help as soon as possible.
- Prioritizing alcohol over responsibilities
- Tolerance
- Cravings
- Withdrawal symptoms
- Increase in use
- Relationship issues
Contact Fresh Start Recovery Center to Begin Your Recovery Journey Today
Fresh Start’s team of medical professionals use the best available resources for alcohol addiction treatment. Effective treatment plans are a safe and effective way to battle alcohol addiction. Fresh Start’s medical professionals are available 24/7 via our secure online form or by phone at 833.625.0398. Contact us today to discuss the best treatment options for you or your loved one.